Arquiteturas Pedagógicas na Formação de Professores: Tecnologias Educacionais, Extensão Universitária e Ensino de Língua Portuguesa

Marcelo Rocha Barros Goncalves, J. Pereira


In this work, a report about the development, provision and evaluation of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC), in a University Extension Projects, is presented. The study deals with the design and implementation of TDIC, its applications and the analysis of results in the course Textual Genres in the Portuguese Language Olympiad, held between the University and public schools, within a perspective of construction of Pedagogical Architectures for teacher training. The use of TDICs promoted a high degree of satisfaction among the audience, in this case, both teachers and students. This result reinforces the importance of educational public policies based on TDIC, due to the positive impact of the use of technology in teaching-learning processes.

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