Towards the Development of Open Educational Resources: Challenges and Issues

Ellen Francine Barbosa, Itana M. S. Gimenes, Leonor Barroca


The fast evolution of the Internet and the Information and Communication Technologies has leveraged and multiplied the possibilities of learning. Additionally, the advent of free and open software has also motivated research and development in the education area. As a result, there has been a change in the way that educational resources are designed, developed and delivered to learners. The term Open Educational Resources (OERs) has emerged as an attempt to standardize the educational content available in a free and open way through the Internet. The establishment and adoption of innovative processes, methods and tools for creating well-designed and highly flexible OERs are challenging for the scientific community in general and, especially, for software engineers. Indeed, Software Engineering practices and principles should be reviewed, updated and adapted for adequately deal with the developmental aspects and needs in this emerging scenario. Having this goal in mind, in this paper we identify some challenges and issues to be considered by software engineers in order to provide an adequate and efficient infrastructure to the development and adoption of OERs.

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