Experiência com o uso da Ferramenta Scratch na Terapia dos Pacientes Psiquiátricos

Lucas Leal, Keylla Maria Sá Urtiga Aita, Aline Silva


This article aims to present experiences of users with mental disorders through the Scratch tool. The users make use of the services of the Psychosocial Attention Center (PAC) that aims to promote social reintegration through various modalities of psychic treatments, among which are: therapeutic activities and treatment by medication. The use of the Scratch tool was mediated by the neuropsychologist who assisted the patients in performing the play activities. The Scratch tool serves as an exercise for the mind and for motor coordination. The objective of this work is to promote the interference of digital resources in the space of therapies, as a way of digitally including this portion of the population.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wie.2019.954