Ensinando/Praticando Mindfulness por meio do Pensamento Computacional para Alunos do Ensino Fundamental

Felipe Faustino de Souza, Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes


Mindfulness practices have been applied in several areas, including education, to mitigate the lack of attention and positively impacting students social and emotional development. This innovative work aims the elaboration and validation of a guide of Educational Activities that helps the teaching of mindfulness trimmed by methodological resources of Computational Thinking (CT) for elementary school students in subjects of Physical Education and Art. It is believed that this application contributes to the corporeal and spatial development, creativity and skills related to the four pillars of the CT and the skills of the 21st century.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2019.1432


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