O processo de formação do professor reflexivo com o uso de tecnologias digitais

Luciana Turchielo, Rosane Aragón


This work problematizes the learning process, mediated by the intensive use of technologies, which is provided by undergraduates, practices developed from the theory of reflective teacher. The objective was to investigate how the reflective formation of a group of student teachers took place in the Distance Pedagogy course. The posts published in the digital learning portfolios during the nine semesters of the training were analyzed. In the evolution of reflective formation, the results evidenced the construction of new possibilities in the form of acting as a student and teacher. On the technologies, the difficulties of instrumental appropriation were overcome, in the majority of cases, until the third semester and its use enabled the construction of the network, as well as favored the production of new ideas and pedagogical actions.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2019.871


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