HOALDI - um conjunto de heurísticas para a avaliação e desenvolvimento de Objetos de Aprendizagem para Lousa Digital Interativa
Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) has been shown to be a technology that has brought interactivity to the teaching-learning process, but some Learning Objects (LOs) present usability problems with this technology. Therefore, this paper aims to propose an efficient set of heuristics for the development and evaluation of LOs, adapting them to IWB. For this, a review was made of the literature on the usability of IWB and LOs quality, as well as a practical exploration of it. After the experiment, the HOALDI set proved to be efficient to be used in the evaluation of LOs in IWB.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2018.85
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