O estágio na licenciatura em computação como espaço para formação do professor pesquisador de sua prática: um relato de experiência

Fabiano Fernandes, Veruska Machado


This article describes an experience of internship in computer science teaching in compliance with curricular guidelines, investigative, critical and reflective attitude, seeking to research its own practice. Several challenges were encountered in the internship's execution spaces, bringing new opportunities for the intern's action, from partnership with EPAT, a model school of the Department of Education of the Federal District up to the creation of an extension course of computational thinking for children of the community, through the code.org platform and unplugged computing, aiming to create a pilot environment conducive to computing education, seeking a contextualized opportunity for learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2017.824


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