Jogos, adaptabilidade e cognição: uma plataforma para potencializar jovens com transtorno do desenvolvimento

Mariza Moura, Francisco Mendes Neto, Karla Demoly, Everton Jales de Oliveira, Rafael Rodrigues, Ramiro de Vasconcelos dos S. Junior


The extension program "Oficionados Network in Health", developed by a group of researchers, scholars and volunteers of the Federal Rural University of Semi-Arid (UFERSA) brought several opportunities for insertion of digital games in the activities of Psychosocial Care Center for Children and Teenagers of Mossoró/RN (CAPSi) and as a young man uses the game, their cognition movements are monitored, ie their ways to coordinate behavior in interaction with the game. From an analysis of ways to coordinate gestures, actions and emotions in the use of games, the idea of developing a platform containing games with adaptive features on individual characteristics presented by the youngs inserted into the CAPSi.

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