Fórum.Edu: Um Fórum Educacional Mobile que utiliza Mineração de Texto

Máverick Dionísio, Augusto Oliveira, Rafael Ferreira, Valber Bueno, Gabriel Alves


Online forums discussion present themselves as an important tool to promote learning in distance education. Nevertheless, some studies in the literature report the difficulty of teachers / tutors to accompany the discussions given a large number of participants and posts. Another problem of distance education, not specifically the forums, refers to the lack of motivation on the part of students. Therefore, this paper presents a application called Fórum.Edu that makes use of game elements (gamification) and text mining techniques. As a result, expected to support the mediation and engagement of students in discussion forums.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wcbie.2016.346


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