Pré-Comp: introduzindo os fundamentos da Computação e contribuindo com a motivação e aproveitamento acadêmico

Ygor Quadros de Aguiar, Letícia Cecotti, Lucas Caetano, Pedro de Botelho Marcos, Jose Rodrigo Azambuja


Computer science education features a large relevance for the maintenance and development of science and technology, contributing to the development of the population in several aspects, whether in health, leisure or work. However, the number of enrollments in computing has undergone reduction and, for this reason, the performance of students in introductory courses proves to be a concern for educators in the area. This article presents the Pre-Comp, a project that besides contributing to the foundation of the basics of computing also helps with familiarization with academia and prospects in the professional field as well as for the development of creativity, interest and motivation of students.

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