Problem Mapping and Recommendations for Accessible Distance Learning for Students with Visual Disabilities

Juliana Cristina Braga, Priscila Vaz, Edson Pimentel, Itana Stiubiener


Currently the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) are the main means for the achievement of Distance Learning Education (DLE) which is an important opportunity of education for the visually impaired people. However, there are still many problems in these environments that need to be solved to meet the needs of visually impaired people. This paper considers some guidelines for the development of Web Access Web Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and aims to: (i) To conduct a survey of accessibility issues in instructional content of DLE for visually impaired people;(ii) Identify which accessibility guidelines can solve the problems encountered and (iii) Present a discussion and possible ways to deal with the problems encountered.

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