Recuperação Semântica de Objetos de Aprendizagem: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Tesauros de Propósito Genérico
Resumo: A recuperação de Objetos de Aprendizagem a partir de repositórios consiste geralmente em uma tarefa árdua, principalmente devido às implementações dos algoritmos de busca baseados em palavras-chave, que são comuns nestes repositórios. Estas técnicas simplesmente limitam ainda mais o já limitado processo de busca sintática. De forma a atacar este tipo de problema, o presente artigo apresenta uma abordagem para a recuperação semântica de objetos de aprendizagem a partir de dois repositórios distintos, baseada no uso de tesauros de propósito genérico. Um protótipo de software que realiza esta busca semântica é igualmente apresentado.
Abstract: Retrieval of Learning Objects from a repository is frequently a clumsy, difficult task to be performed, mainly due to keyword-based implementations of search algorithms that are common in these repositories. These techniques only strengthen the limits of the already limited syntactic searching process. This fact leads to the need of user to repeatedly perform searches in order to find some related learning objects, if found. To address this sort of problem, the present paper proposes a general purpose thesauri-based approach to semantic retrieval of learning objects from two different repositories. A software prototype that performs such semantic search is also presented.
Abstract: Retrieval of Learning Objects from a repository is frequently a clumsy, difficult task to be performed, mainly due to keyword-based implementations of search algorithms that are common in these repositories. These techniques only strengthen the limits of the already limited syntactic searching process. This fact leads to the need of user to repeatedly perform searches in order to find some related learning objects, if found. To address this sort of problem, the present paper proposes a general purpose thesauri-based approach to semantic retrieval of learning objects from two different repositories. A software prototype that performs such semantic search is also presented.
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