Ambientes Virtuais Acessíveis sob a perspectiva de usuários deficientes visuais
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta alguns resultados da tese "Ambientes Virtuais Acessíveis sob a perspectiva de usuários deficientes visuais". Investigamos três interfaces que já possuíam o selo de acessibilidade. Coletamos dados por meio de mecanismos de validação automáticos e manuais. Durante a validação manual, os itens obscuros das interfaces, trazidos por usuários deficientes visuais, impulsionaram a análise e a discussão, possibilitando eleger categorias e pontuar aspectos considerados fundamentais para se ter um ambiente com qualidade de uso. Nesse contexto, discutimos a validade do rótulo de acessibilidade, a necessidade de uma Web Semântica e a importância da validação manual com usuários reais.
Abstract: This article presents some of the results of the thesis “Accessible Virtual Environments under the perspective of the visual impaired”. We investigate three interfaces that already had the accessibility label. We collected data through automatic and manual validation tools. During the manual validation, the obscure items of the interfaces, brought by visual impaired users, urged the analysis and the discussion, making it possible to define categories and aspects considered fundamental to have an environment with quality of usage. In this context, we have discussed the validity of the accessibility label, the necessity of a Semantic Web and the importance of the manual validation with real users.
Abstract: This article presents some of the results of the thesis “Accessible Virtual Environments under the perspective of the visual impaired”. We investigate three interfaces that already had the accessibility label. We collected data through automatic and manual validation tools. During the manual validation, the obscure items of the interfaces, brought by visual impaired users, urged the analysis and the discussion, making it possible to define categories and aspects considered fundamental to have an environment with quality of usage. In this context, we have discussed the validity of the accessibility label, the necessity of a Semantic Web and the importance of the manual validation with real users.
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