eLGOSS: A Support System for e-Learning Governance
eLGORM is a reference model for e-Learning Governance which aims at guiding and optimizing e-learning initiatives and developments in institutions. Our Reference Model conceptual framework encompasses an e-learning information architecture, processes and sub-processes, and, governance rules and metrics which were described in a previous work. But a reference model is not enough to ensure elearning governance. Its processes and activities should be supported by information systems to foster efficiency, accuracy and better results. To this end, we have been working on the development of an e-Learning Governance Support System – the eLGOSS. In this work we report on how eLGOSS system can help in the coordination of e-learning activities in order to foster the achievement of better performance results.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2013.174