Avaliando a Ferramenta xLupa como recurso para a Educação Especial Inclusiva
Resumo: As tecnologias assistivas têm se apresentado como forte aliadas ao processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência. Especificamente, aos alunos que apresentam baixa visão, os ampliadores de telas, por exemplo, oferecem um ponto de apoio para o acesso ao conhecimento e ao aprendizado adequado, considerada a sua condição. Este artigo apresenta resultados obtidos com a avaliação de um ampliador de tela sob a óptica de uso de alunos com baixa visão e de professores do ensino especial.
Abstract: Assistive technologies have been presented as strong allies in the inclusion process of students with disabilities. Specifically, for students who have low-vision, the screen magnifiers offer support to improve the access to knowledge and learning deemed appropriate to their condition. This paper presents results about an evaluation of a screen magnifier from the perspective of the low vision students’ use and teachers of special education.
Abstract: Assistive technologies have been presented as strong allies in the inclusion process of students with disabilities. Specifically, for students who have low-vision, the screen magnifiers offer support to improve the access to knowledge and learning deemed appropriate to their condition. This paper presents results about an evaluation of a screen magnifier from the perspective of the low vision students’ use and teachers of special education.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2009.%25p