Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta um Ambiente Interativo de Aprendizagem no Domínio de Fração, oferecendo ferramentas ao estudante e ao professor. Para o estudante o ambiente fornece agentes de software que implementam de forma distribuída um resolvedor de problemas e um avaliador de soluções, permitindo tanto avaliar a solução proposta pelo estudante, quanto resolver problemas colocados pelo estudante, além de oferecer suporte pedagógico durante o processo de solução de problemas. Já o professor possui suporte na construção de ambientes específicos, tendo a sua disposição ferramentas para definir um espaço de problemas ou aceitar os problemas já contidos no ambiente..O sistema faz uso de algumas funcionalidades comuns aos STI’s clássicos, tendo sido implementado usando a tecnologia Java. Foi realizado um experimento com o protótipo desenvolvido e os primeiros resultados dão indícios quanto à qualidade pedagógica do ambiente proposto, assim como a sua aceitação pelos estudantes.
Abstract: This work proposes an Interactive Learning Environment oriented to the Fraction domain. If offers support to both student and teacher. To student the environment have software agents that it implements an solution of problem and an appraiser of solutions, evaluating answer of student and solutions problem considered for student, over there have pedagogical support during resolution of problems. The teachers have support in the environment construction, across tools to make the news problems and accept the problems of the environment.The system use some functionalities common of classic STI, having been implemented using the Java technology. The experiment of the environment indicates its pedagogical quality, as well as its acceptance for the students.
Abstract: This work proposes an Interactive Learning Environment oriented to the Fraction domain. If offers support to both student and teacher. To student the environment have software agents that it implements an solution of problem and an appraiser of solutions, evaluating answer of student and solutions problem considered for student, over there have pedagogical support during resolution of problems. The teachers have support in the environment construction, across tools to make the news problems and accept the problems of the environment.The system use some functionalities common of classic STI, having been implemented using the Java technology. The experiment of the environment indicates its pedagogical quality, as well as its acceptance for the students.
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