Abordagem Desplugada para o Estímulo do Pensamento Computacional de Estudantes do Ensino Fundamental com Histórias em Quadrinhos

Cicero Santos, Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes


Observed the difficulties of the students in the subjects of Portuguese Language (textual interpretation) and Mathematics (logical reasoning). This article presents a playful and dynamic approach in the teaching-learning process for the development of Computational Thinking, combining the concepts of Computer Science, Unplugged Activities and Comic Books. The influence of this approach was evaluated with 9th-grade students, during 9 weekly meetings of 50 minutes (each). The results showed a better performance of the students in the mentioned disciplines, after the intervention of the Unplugged with the comics approach.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wie.2019.570