Ensinando Design de Interface de Usuário na Educação Básica: Um Mapeamento Sistemático do Estado da Arte e Prática

Miriam Ferreira, Fernando Pinheiro, Raul Missfeldt Filho, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim


Teaching computing in K-12 is typically realized through practical activities in which students create software artifacts. This, however, may not cover other important competencies, such as user interface (UI) design. Thus, in order to get an overview on the state of the art and practice of teaching UI design competencies in K-12, we conducted a systematic mapping study. Sixteen instructional units were identified, approaching diverse concepts. However, we observed a lack of detail as well as the availability of the instructional units. Even so, applications provide first indications that the teaching of UI design competences can be beneficial in K-12.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wie.2019.511