O Editor Científico ROODA Exata
Resumo: Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados como apoio a aulas presenciais e semi-presenciais. Neste contexto, as interações e debates on-line são importantes no processo, uma vez que o principal veículo de comunicação é a escrita. Entretanto, a Matemática, por fazer uso de símbolos e fórmulas, enfrenta dificuldades na comunicação on-line. Assim, este trabalho apresenta o editor para notação cientifica ROODA Exata, integrado às funcionalidades de comunicação oferecidas pelo ambiente virtual de aprendizagem ROODA. Seu objetivo é possibilitar a comunicação matemática on-line, de forma rápida, transparente e precisa.
Abstract: The virtual learning environment has been used on presential and semi-presential class. Inside this context, the interactions and debates on-line are important points in the process, once the principal mean of communication is writing. Therefore, the on-line mathematics communications, which requires his own notation and simbology, has been difficult. Inside this context, this work presents the ROODA Exata formula editor, a tool integrated to the communication functionalities offeered by the ROODA virtual learning environment. Its goal is to provide on-line matematics communication, in a fast, transparent and accurate form.
Abstract: The virtual learning environment has been used on presential and semi-presential class. Inside this context, the interactions and debates on-line are important points in the process, once the principal mean of communication is writing. Therefore, the on-line mathematics communications, which requires his own notation and simbology, has been difficult. Inside this context, this work presents the ROODA Exata formula editor, a tool integrated to the communication functionalities offeered by the ROODA virtual learning environment. Its goal is to provide on-line matematics communication, in a fast, transparent and accurate form.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.wie.2009.1753-1762