eMOC: ferramenta para o mapeamento através da observação do comportamento de aluno cegos na sala de aula

Bruna Costa, Angélica Dias, Juliana França, Marcos Borges, José Antonio Borges


In order to increase the efficiency of the learning process in group activities, to minimize interaction difficulties and the loss of knowledge generated during the accomplishment of this kind of task when carried out in the classroom, this paper proposes the construction of a computational tool to support observations that, in a collaborative way, allow teachers to identify cognitive barriers among students while performing group tasks. This scenario considered, we propose an empirical study to investigate the subjective aspects of the working groups in the transfer of knowledge in the classroom. This way, it is hoped to provide teachers with mechanisms that facilitate the transfer of knowledge among their peers and students, blind or not, in the process of performing group work

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1883