Utilização de Portfólios na Criação de Relatos e Reflexão Sobre o Erro em Programação para Alunos do Ensino Superior
Crucial to the curriculum of Computing courses in Higher Education, programming is considered to be one of its most difficult topics, since it requires the abilities of abstraction, reasoning and representation. In its complexity, the activity becomes susceptible to failure. Theories such as Vygostky treat reflection on error as an integral part of the learning process. However, the negative characterization of errors still holds in our society. To drive this necessary change and make use of the educator potential of the error, portfolios, collections of evidence that show the student's journey of learning, are possible allies. This work aims to investigate the use of portfolios in the creation of reports that promote reflection on errors made.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1003