Bloom's Taxonomy-Based Approach for Assisting Formulation and Automatic Short Answer Grading

Aluizio Haendchen Filho, Eliane Kormann Tomazoni, Rosana Paza, Rogério Perego, André Raabe


This paper presents developed procedures to formulate questions following the Blooms Taxonomy, and for the automatic short answer grading. The approach sought to address the semantic aspects related to the answer and presented relevant results in our case study, with questions that use the lower cognitive categories of the Blooms Taxonomy. The approach has shown to be feasible to support automatic short answer grading with size ranging from a single sentence to a short paragraph. In practice, it was observed that the obtained results in the automatic correction might vary according to the type of question, the application context and that the representativeness and concision of the reference response. Computer scores compared well to the ones given by the teachers, with high correlation coefficients and accuracy.

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