Uma Abordagem para EaD Baseada em Resolução de Problemas
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem à aprendizagem baseada em problemas mediada por ambientes computacionais colaborativos que denominamos ACBP, acrônimo de Aprendizagem Colaborativa Baseada em Problemas, e sua instanciação em um ambiente de ensino a distância. O modelo ACBP inclui em algumas de suas fases artefatos da Semiótica Organizacional que permitem que a resolução do problema possa se dar em um contexto mais abrangente de compartilhamento de significados que potencialmente contribui à dinâmica do processo de ensino e aprendizagem através da Internet.
Abstract: This article presents an approach to problem based learning mediated by collaborative computational environments. We call this approach ACBP (Collaborative Problem Based Learning, from Portuguese "Aprendizagem Colaborativa Baseada em Problemas"), and instantiate it in a distance learning environment. In some of the ACBP model's phases we introduce artefacts of Organizational Semiotics which permit problem solving in a more comprehensive context of meaning sharing and which potentially contribute to the process flow of teaching and learning via the Internet.
Abstract: This article presents an approach to problem based learning mediated by collaborative computational environments. We call this approach ACBP (Collaborative Problem Based Learning, from Portuguese "Aprendizagem Colaborativa Baseada em Problemas"), and instantiate it in a distance learning environment. In some of the ACBP model's phases we introduce artefacts of Organizational Semiotics which permit problem solving in a more comprehensive context of meaning sharing and which potentially contribute to the process flow of teaching and learning via the Internet.
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