Processo, Ontologia e Ferramenta para Gestão de Competências em Instituições de Ensino
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de processo, ontologia e ferramenta para a Gestão de Competências em instituições de ensino. A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto, um processo baseado em modelos de competência já existentes foi desenvolvido e vários conceitos e relações surgiram, sendo esses organizados em uma ontologia de competências. Uma ferramenta foi proposta com o intuito de permitir a utilização do processo e da ontologia em um ambiente escolar, integrando os níveis hierárquicos (diretores, professores, turmas e os alunos que as compõem). O enfoque deste artigo é discutir cada item desenvolvido e apresentar os resultados obtidos.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal for a process, an ontology and a tool for competence management in learning institutions. From a literature review about this topic, a process based on existing models of competences was developed and several concepts and relationships have emerged from it, wich have been organized in an ontology of competence. A tool was proposed in order to allow the use of the process and the ontology in a school environment, integrating the hierarchical levels (directors, teachers, classes and students that make part of it). The focus of this article is to discuss each item developed and present obtained results.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal for a process, an ontology and a tool for competence management in learning institutions. From a literature review about this topic, a process based on existing models of competences was developed and several concepts and relationships have emerged from it, wich have been organized in an ontology of competence. A tool was proposed in order to allow the use of the process and the ontology in a school environment, integrating the hierarchical levels (directors, teachers, classes and students that make part of it). The focus of this article is to discuss each item developed and present obtained results.
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