Pirambu Digital - Inclusão Social com Tecnologia Digital
Resumo: Com base no Pirambu Digital, uma experiência bem sucedida de inclusão social utilizando tecnologia digital, discutimos neste artigo a viabilidade e a importância da capacitação profissional do jovem como elemento fomentador da geração de emprego e renda e da sua inserção na sociedade. Apresentamos a metodologia adotada no Pirambu Digital, as metas alcançadas e os critérios que tornam possível a replicação da experiência em outro lócus sócio-econômico. Mostramos que a formação de jovens em tecnologia da informação, agregada a conhecimentos de empreendedorismo e conceitos de economia solidária facilitam, sobremaneira, a realização profissional e pessoal desses jovens, enquanto fortalecem seus laços afetivos com o bairro onde vivem. Nosso argumento, resultado da experiência vivenciada no Pirambu Digital, é que a verdadeira inclusão digital no País só se fará mediante a apropriação pelo jovem do seu entorno social.
Abstract: In this paper, we present the Pirambu Digital, a successful experience of social inclusion, using Digital Technology. We discuss the feasibility and importance of professional training of young as the generation of employment, and income and Social Inclusion. We present the methodology adopted in Pirambu Digital, the achieved goals and criteria that make possible to replicate the experience in other social-economical locus. We show that the training of young people in information technology, combined with knowledge of entrepreneurship concepts and solidarity economy facilitate greatly the professional and personal attainment of these young, while strengthening their emotional ties with the neighborhood where they live. Our argument, the result of knowledge experienced in the Pirambu Digital, is that the true digital inclusion in the country will only take place through the young acquirement of their social milieu.
Abstract: In this paper, we present the Pirambu Digital, a successful experience of social inclusion, using Digital Technology. We discuss the feasibility and importance of professional training of young as the generation of employment, and income and Social Inclusion. We present the methodology adopted in Pirambu Digital, the achieved goals and criteria that make possible to replicate the experience in other social-economical locus. We show that the training of young people in information technology, combined with knowledge of entrepreneurship concepts and solidarity economy facilitate greatly the professional and personal attainment of these young, while strengthening their emotional ties with the neighborhood where they live. Our argument, the result of knowledge experienced in the Pirambu Digital, is that the true digital inclusion in the country will only take place through the young acquirement of their social milieu.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2008.532-541