Ontologias e Web Semântica no Suporte ao Ensino Colaborativo em Salas de Aula Presenciais
Resumo: Apesar dos grandes avanços tecnológicos produzidos pela comunidade de Informática na Educação, ainda hoje, o método de ensino mais utilizado nas escolas públicas é aquele onde o professor expõe o conteúdo no quadro-negro e o aluno passivamente absorve o conteúdo. No cenário real do sistema educacional Brasileiro uma forma de combater este método tradicional é utilizar o ensino colaborativo. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um sistema inteligente que auxilia o professor a preparar antecipadamente atividades colaborativas que podem ser utilizadas em salas de aula presenciais, onde o computador não está presente. Os resultados de um experimento realizado em 4 salas de 5ª serie de uma escola municipal mostraram que o sistema facilita a tomada de decisões pedagógicas importantes que influenciam positivamente o aprendizado dos alunos.
Abstract: In spite of the great technological advances produced by the community of Information in Education, still today, the most common teaching method used at public schools is the content exposition in a blackboard by the teacher and the passively assimilation of it by students. A possible way to overcome this traditional teaching method in the real situation of the Brazilian educational system is to use collaborative learning. Thus, the present work presents an intelligent system that aids the teacher to prepare in advance collaborative learning activities that can be used in real classrooms where computers are not present. The results of an experiment carried out in 4 classes of 5th grade at a public school shown that the system facilitates the selection of important pedagogical strategies that influence positively the students' learning.
Abstract: In spite of the great technological advances produced by the community of Information in Education, still today, the most common teaching method used at public schools is the content exposition in a blackboard by the teacher and the passively assimilation of it by students. A possible way to overcome this traditional teaching method in the real situation of the Brazilian educational system is to use collaborative learning. Thus, the present work presents an intelligent system that aids the teacher to prepare in advance collaborative learning activities that can be used in real classrooms where computers are not present. The results of an experiment carried out in 4 classes of 5th grade at a public school shown that the system facilitates the selection of important pedagogical strategies that influence positively the students' learning.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2008.521-531