Mediação por meio de evidências no contexto lingüístico em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem
Resumo: Na aprendizagem promovida pela EAD, a flexibilidade no ensino requer uma posição ativa do aluno e do professor que, por mecanismos de mediação estabelecidos pela interação social possibilitam a construção da autonomia do aluno visando a sua aprendizagem. Este processo tem sido foco de estudo ao longo dos últimos dez anos, porém esses estudos pouco aprofundam como é possível detectar indícios do processo de mediação no contexto lingüístico. O objetivo deste artigo, portanto, é verificar como mecanismos de mediação podem ser evidenciados no contexto lingüístico presente nos ambientes de EAD.
Abstract: In distance learning, flexibility of teaching requires an active positioning of students and teachers, which by means of mediation mechanisms stablished by social interaction, allows the development of students autonomy aiming their learning. This process has been an study focus for the last teen years, but these studies have little impact on how is possible to detect evidences of mediation processes in linguistic contexts. This paper aims, thus, to verify how mediation mechanisms can be revealed in the linguistic context of distance learning environments.
Abstract: In distance learning, flexibility of teaching requires an active positioning of students and teachers, which by means of mediation mechanisms stablished by social interaction, allows the development of students autonomy aiming their learning. This process has been an study focus for the last teen years, but these studies have little impact on how is possible to detect evidences of mediation processes in linguistic contexts. This paper aims, thus, to verify how mediation mechanisms can be revealed in the linguistic context of distance learning environments.
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