Integração das TIC e a Metodologia PBL com Aplicação na área de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Resumo: Esta pesquisa se constitui da análise de um sistema de apoio ao aprendizado da disciplina de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia de um curso de medicina usando a metodologia PBL, seus conceitos e aplicações, bem como, as técnicas de aprendizagem. Aponta um modelo computacional para medir o índice de similaridade entre a anamnese do paciente feita pelo aluno e a solução proposta pelo professor. Mostra a interação atual das TIC com a metodologia PBL. Espera-se que as análises investigativas e a implantação desse sistema possam auxiliar o professor na avaliação do desempenho do acadêmico e apresentar ao aluno condições de discutir a solução proposta pelo professor, possibilitando vivenciar o dia-a-dia de sua futura profissão.
Abstract: This research is an analysis of a support system for learning the Gynecology and Obstetrics discipline in a Medicine course using the PBL methodology. It aims at pointing out a computer model that can measure the similarity index between the patient’s anamnesis as done by the student and the solution proposed by the professor. Additionally, it shows the actual interaction of ICT with the PBL methodology. It is expected that the investigative analyses and the implementation of this system can help the professor in the evaluation of the undergraduate student’s performance while providing the student conditions to debate the proposed solution by the professor so that the experience of a daily routine in this future profession.
Abstract: This research is an analysis of a support system for learning the Gynecology and Obstetrics discipline in a Medicine course using the PBL methodology. It aims at pointing out a computer model that can measure the similarity index between the patient’s anamnesis as done by the student and the solution proposed by the professor. Additionally, it shows the actual interaction of ICT with the PBL methodology. It is expected that the investigative analyses and the implementation of this system can help the professor in the evaluation of the undergraduate student’s performance while providing the student conditions to debate the proposed solution by the professor so that the experience of a daily routine in this future profession.
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