Desenvolvimento de Objetos de Aprendizagem para TVDi
Resumo: O uso de tecnologias da informação no contexto educacional vem contribuindo para tornar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem mais acessível, agradável e eficaz. O uso da TV Digital Interativa (TVDi), como forma de promover a difusão de conhecimento e redução da exclusão social, impulsiona importantes pesquisas associadas ao cenário brasileiro. Assim, além da transmissão de conteúdo instrutivo, a interatividade agora permite que o telespectador se torne um elemento ativo nesse processo. Com isto, este trabalho propõe a exploração desta nova mídia no contexto educacional, mesmo em situações em que o canal de retorno da infra-estrutura da TVDi não esteja disponível, por meio da exploração de Objetos de Aprendizagem.
Abstract: The use of information technologies on the educational context has contributed to ease the teaching-learning process by making it more accessible, pleasant and effective. The use of Digital TV as means to reduce social exclusion and promote knowledge diffusion has motivated important research. Most of them are aimed at developing educational tools for such a platform. Thus, besides accessing instructive content, the interactivity now allows the viewer to become an active element in this process. Thus, this work proposes the exploration of interactivity, even in situations where the return channel of the infrastructure of the Digital TV is not available, through the use of Learning Objects.
Abstract: The use of information technologies on the educational context has contributed to ease the teaching-learning process by making it more accessible, pleasant and effective. The use of Digital TV as means to reduce social exclusion and promote knowledge diffusion has motivated important research. Most of them are aimed at developing educational tools for such a platform. Thus, besides accessing instructive content, the interactivity now allows the viewer to become an active element in this process. Thus, this work proposes the exploration of interactivity, even in situations where the return channel of the infrastructure of the Digital TV is not available, through the use of Learning Objects.
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