Avaliar para Nivelar e Formar: Um Sistema Online de Avaliação Formativa para Alunos de Biblioteconomia
Resumo: Um grande problema do ensino-aprendizagem de classificação de documentos em cursos de Biblioteconomia tem sido lidar com turmas cada vez maiores e mais desiguais em relação aos níveis de aprendizagem. Embora já existam projetos de Educação a Distância que possibilitam reconhecer perfis de alunos e diferenciar o ensino, este trabalho, mais do que revelar as desigualdades, propõe reduzi-las. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um Sistema Online de Avaliação Formativa para diagnóstico, individualização e regulação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem com o objetivo de nivelar uma turma e promover êxitos de aprendizagem. Os primeiros resultados já apontaram para redução das desigualdades entre alunos e progressos de aprendizagem.
Abstract: A major problem of teaching-learning of documents classification in Library Studies’ taught modules has been how to handle increasingly large and unbalanced group of students accordingly to their levels of learning. There has already been some literature work on building student’s profile. This research aims at going a step further when rather than just reveal the unbalance difficulties of learning among the pupils, proposes the reduction of them by acting quickly on their causes. To do so, we developed a Formative Assessment System for diagnosis, individualization and regulation of the teaching-learning process so that the difficulties in class can be early dealt with and the success of learning can also be promoted. The first results already pointed out the re- duction of disequality between groups of students and great progress of learning.
Abstract: A major problem of teaching-learning of documents classification in Library Studies’ taught modules has been how to handle increasingly large and unbalanced group of students accordingly to their levels of learning. There has already been some literature work on building student’s profile. This research aims at going a step further when rather than just reveal the unbalance difficulties of learning among the pupils, proposes the reduction of them by acting quickly on their causes. To do so, we developed a Formative Assessment System for diagnosis, individualization and regulation of the teaching-learning process so that the difficulties in class can be early dealt with and the success of learning can also be promoted. The first results already pointed out the re- duction of disequality between groups of students and great progress of learning.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2008.166-175