Resumo: Este artigo descreve uma avaliação empírica de um modelo afetivo de aluno realizada com estudantes da 7ª série. O modelo afetivo é fundamentado conceitualmente na teoria psicológica cognitiva de emoções OCC a fim de inferir as emoções do aluno a partir de suas ações e escolhas na interface do ambiente educacional. O modelo se baseia em uma abordagem de estados mentais, mais especificamente no modelo BDI, para aplicar o processo de inferência de emoções em um ambiente web de aprendizagem. Dois experimentos foram realizados baseados em uma abordagem direta e indireta. Os resultados do experimento são discutidos e algumas idéias de melhorias são apresentadas.
Abstract: This article describes an empirical evaluation of a cognitive-based affective user model accomplished with 7th grade students. The affective model is conceptually based on the OCC psychological theory of emotions in order to infer the students’ emotions from their actions and choices in the interface of the learning system. The model relies on a mental states approach, more specifically the BDI model, to implement the process of inference of students’ emotions in a web-based learning environment. Two experiments were accomplished based on a direct and an indirect approach. The results of the evaluation experiments are discussed and some ideas of improvement for the experiments protocol are presented.
Abstract: This article describes an empirical evaluation of a cognitive-based affective user model accomplished with 7th grade students. The affective model is conceptually based on the OCC psychological theory of emotions in order to infer the students’ emotions from their actions and choices in the interface of the learning system. The model relies on a mental states approach, more specifically the BDI model, to implement the process of inference of students’ emotions in a web-based learning environment. Two experiments were accomplished based on a direct and an indirect approach. The results of the evaluation experiments are discussed and some ideas of improvement for the experiments protocol are presented.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2008.155-165