Uso de Conhecimento de Senso Comum para Suporte à Edição de Objetos de Aprendizagem
Resumo: Para promover um processo de aprendizagem efetivo é necessário refletir o contexto dos aprendizes nas atividades de aprendizagem. Ferramentas com apoio de senso comum podem oferecer tal suporte. Este trabalho apresenta o Cognitor, uma ferramenta que usa senso comum para auxiliar professores na criação e contextualização de conteúdo para o e-learning, considerando conceitos e analogias conhecidas pelo grupo alvo. O objetivo é otimizar a organização do conteúdo visualizado pelo aprendiz, facilitando a interação (entre alunos, professores e o conteúdo) e o processo de aprendizagem.
Abstract: To promote an effective learning it is necessary to reflect the learners’ context on the learning tasks. Common sense aided tools can give such support. This paper shows Cognitor, a tool that uses common sense knowledge to help teachers in the design of contextualized learning material for e-learning, considering known concepts and analogies from the target group. The purpose is to better organize the content seen by students facilitating the interaction (among students, teachers and content) and the learning process.
Abstract: To promote an effective learning it is necessary to reflect the learners’ context on the learning tasks. Common sense aided tools can give such support. This paper shows Cognitor, a tool that uses common sense knowledge to help teachers in the design of contextualized learning material for e-learning, considering known concepts and analogies from the target group. The purpose is to better organize the content seen by students facilitating the interaction (among students, teachers and content) and the learning process.
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