Uma Contribuição para Alfabetização de Portadores de Síndrome de Down
Resumo: O presente artigo apresenta o software educacional Alfabetizando Brincando voltado para indivíduos portadores de Síndrome de Down. O software disponibiliza diversas atividades, que pretende ensinar o alfabeto e reforçar o conceito das vogais, a formação de palavras e a distinção de cada uma delas, ao mesmo tempo em que trabalha com a coordenação motora do aluno. Neste contexto, a informática desempenha um papel significativo de forma divertida e interativa, possibilitando a alfabetização e o desenvolvimento educacional de portadores da Síndrome de Down.
Abstract: This paper presents the educational software Alfabetizando Brincando to people with Down Syndrome. This software becomes available different activities, which intend to teach the alphabet and to reinforce the concept of vowels, the words formation and the distinction of each one, at the same time that it works with the motor coordination of the students. In this context, the technology takes out an important role in a funny and interactive way, that gives possibility to the porters of Down Syndrome being alphabetized and having an educational growth.
Abstract: This paper presents the educational software Alfabetizando Brincando to people with Down Syndrome. This software becomes available different activities, which intend to teach the alphabet and to reinforce the concept of vowels, the words formation and the distinction of each one, at the same time that it works with the motor coordination of the students. In this context, the technology takes out an important role in a funny and interactive way, that gives possibility to the porters of Down Syndrome being alphabetized and having an educational growth.
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