Inclusão Digital na Cibercultura: Novas Demandas aos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem
Resumo: Este artigo aborda a necessidade e o processo de desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem de característica livre, para suporte de processos hipermídia na autoria colaborativa de projetos didáticos multimídia. O ambiente tem como base a conceituação teórica dos elementos da Sociedade em Rede, a fim de que possa constituir uma alternativa à crescente demanda por processos de Inclusão Digital baseados no protagonismo e na co-autoria.
Abstract: This paper approaches the necessity and the process of development of a virtual environment of learning with free characteristic, for support hypermedia processes in the collaborative authorship of multimedia didactic projects. The environment has as base the theoretical conceptualization of the elements of the Society in Net, in order to constitute an alternative to the increasing demand for processes of Digital Inclusion based in protagonism and the co-authorship.
Abstract: This paper approaches the necessity and the process of development of a virtual environment of learning with free characteristic, for support hypermedia processes in the collaborative authorship of multimedia didactic projects. The environment has as base the theoretical conceptualization of the elements of the Society in Net, in order to constitute an alternative to the increasing demand for processes of Digital Inclusion based in protagonism and the co-authorship.
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