NetPlay – uma ferramenta para construção de modelos de simulação baseado em multiagente
Resumo: O estudo de fenômenos complexos são fortemente facilitados através da simulação multiagente. Com esta finalidades existem disponíveis vários ambientes que permitem a construção e simulação de modelos. Sendo desenvolvida para uso de profissionais estas ferramentas não se preocupam com usuários leigos em computação. Neste trabalho apresentamos o NetPlay, uma ferramenta que foi projetada com objetivos didáticos no intuito de possibilitar e estimular os usuários a criar cooperativamente modelos de simulação, na perspectiva do uso da modelagem multiagente, da capacidade de reuso dos objetos projetados e visando diminuir o esforço da programação. Usando o NetPlay é possível visualizar o comportamento resultante das interações definidas para os agentes que compõem o sistema, facilitando a análise, dando elementos a novas conjecturas sobre o modelo e apoiando a tomada de decisão para revisão desses modelos.
Abstract: The study of complex phenomena is made considerably easier through multiagent simulations. Several environments are available for this purpose, and they allow the construction and simulation of models. Since these tools were developed for professionals, they are not designed for the lay computer user. In this paper we present NetPlay, a tool which was projected for educational use, to enable and motivate the user to create simulation models, cooperatively, using the viewpoint of a multiagent modeling. The objects thus constructed can be reused with the aim to decrease the effort of the programming. The use of NetPlay makes it possible to visualize the behavior resulting from interactions that have been defined for the agents that compose the system, thereby facilitating any analyses, and providing elements for new conjectures on the models, while, at the same time, supporting the decision-making process for reviewing these models.
Abstract: The study of complex phenomena is made considerably easier through multiagent simulations. Several environments are available for this purpose, and they allow the construction and simulation of models. Since these tools were developed for professionals, they are not designed for the lay computer user. In this paper we present NetPlay, a tool which was projected for educational use, to enable and motivate the user to create simulation models, cooperatively, using the viewpoint of a multiagent modeling. The objects thus constructed can be reused with the aim to decrease the effort of the programming. The use of NetPlay makes it possible to visualize the behavior resulting from interactions that have been defined for the agents that compose the system, thereby facilitating any analyses, and providing elements for new conjectures on the models, while, at the same time, supporting the decision-making process for reviewing these models.
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