Uma proposta para Mediação Tecnológica em Espaços Virtuais de Aprendizagem
Resumo: Na atualidade o uso de plataformas Web dedicadas ao ensino seja este presencial ou a distância é amplamente disseminado. Essa situação gera novas necessidades para o professor, que precisa manter um acompanhamento da aprendizagem dos seus alunos dentro dos ambientes virtuais. Por outro lado, é amplamente aceito que a mediação é uma parte fundamental de qualquer processo educativo. Bons professores realizam mediações de qualidade e garantem um bom sucesso dos processos educativos em geral. Mas, estes processos costumam ser implícitos e até certo ponto intuitivos. O projeto Mediatec pretende investigar de que forma a mediação do professor pode ser compartilhada por uma mediação tecnológica que “alivie” a carga do professor e contribua no processo de apropriação de conhecimentos. Este projeto surge de um trabalho interdisciplinar que seus proponentes têm nas áreas de Interação Social, EAD, Sistemas Tutores/Ambientes Inteligentes de Ensino e Modelos Formais para cognição. Esta combinação de esforços oferece uma sinergia inédita em termos de pesquisa em ambientes inteligentes de EAD e pode dar frutos importantes tanto em termos de desenvolvimento tecnológico quanto na investigação cognitiva. O presente artigo discute as bases teóricas do projeto e apresenta aspectos de mediação social, processos cognitivos e modelagem de agentes pedagógicos relevantes para a pesquisa.
Abstract: Nowadays web learning environments are being widely used both in distance and non-distance learning activities. This condition creates new demands for the teacher that now needs to follow the students learning process inside virtual environments. It is widely accepted that mediation is a fundamental part of any educational process. Good teachers perform skillful mediation techniques that generally ensure good and successful educational processes. However, these mediation techniques are usually implicit, and, up to a certain degree, intuitive. Mediatec project intends to research how mediation processes carried out by teachers can be aided by technological mediation tools and techniques, “relieving” the burden of teachers, and contributing to the knowledge appropriation process. This project arises from interdisciplinary work that their proponents have in the areas of Social Interaction, Distance Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Learning Environments, and Formal Models for cognition. This combination of efforts provides a new and synergetic research approach to intelligent distance learning environments, and can result in important technological developments and important advances in cognitive researches in this area. This paper discusses the theoretical basis of the project, showing the aspects of social mediation, cognitive processes and pedagogical agents modeling, which are relevant to the research.
Abstract: Nowadays web learning environments are being widely used both in distance and non-distance learning activities. This condition creates new demands for the teacher that now needs to follow the students learning process inside virtual environments. It is widely accepted that mediation is a fundamental part of any educational process. Good teachers perform skillful mediation techniques that generally ensure good and successful educational processes. However, these mediation techniques are usually implicit, and, up to a certain degree, intuitive. Mediatec project intends to research how mediation processes carried out by teachers can be aided by technological mediation tools and techniques, “relieving” the burden of teachers, and contributing to the knowledge appropriation process. This project arises from interdisciplinary work that their proponents have in the areas of Social Interaction, Distance Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Learning Environments, and Formal Models for cognition. This combination of efforts provides a new and synergetic research approach to intelligent distance learning environments, and can result in important technological developments and important advances in cognitive researches in this area. This paper discusses the theoretical basis of the project, showing the aspects of social mediation, cognitive processes and pedagogical agents modeling, which are relevant to the research.
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