Proposta de um Sistema Multi-agentes para a aplicação de Objetos Inteligentes de Aprendizagem seguindo o padrão SCORM
Resumo: Em sistemas de aprendizagem existem dois aspectos que devem ser considerados: (i) a adaptabilidade, que diz respeito às diferentes necessidades e estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos; e (ii) a reusabilidade, que visa apoiar a confecção dos cursos. Acredita-se que estas características podem ser alcançadas através da interligação entre Sistemas Multiagentes (SMA) e Objetos de Aprendizagem (Learning Objects – LO), resultando na abordagem denominada de Objetos Inteligentes de Aprendizagem (Intelligent Learning Objects – ILO). Este trabalho apresenta a proposta de um SMA para ILO baseada no padrão SCORM, utilizando a Engenharia de Sistemas Multiagentes (Multiagent System Engineering - MaSE).
Abstract: There are two aspects that must be considered in learning systems: adaptability and reusability. Adaptability consists in to be flexible according to different contexts and learning styles of students. Reusability aims to support courses design. These goals can be reached by joining Multiagent Systems and Learning Objects technologies. The result consists on Intelligent Learning Objects (ILO), whose goal is to promote richer learning experiences and to provide reusability and adaptability of these objects in a more effective way. This paper describes the design and the specification of ontology to ILO, based on SCORM reference model, using Multiagent System Engineering (MaSE) methodology.
Abstract: There are two aspects that must be considered in learning systems: adaptability and reusability. Adaptability consists in to be flexible according to different contexts and learning styles of students. Reusability aims to support courses design. These goals can be reached by joining Multiagent Systems and Learning Objects technologies. The result consists on Intelligent Learning Objects (ILO), whose goal is to promote richer learning experiences and to provide reusability and adaptability of these objects in a more effective way. This paper describes the design and the specification of ontology to ILO, based on SCORM reference model, using Multiagent System Engineering (MaSE) methodology.
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