Construção Coletiva de Livros Multimídia: Uma Abordagem para Temas Transversais
Resumo: O projeto, envolvendo 5ª, 6ª e 7ª séries do Ensino Fundamental, consistiu no desenvolvimento de três livros multimídia, cada um elaborado de forma cooperativa por todas as turmas de uma dada série. A cooperação dos alunos propiciou a produção de textos mais criativos e composições visuais mais interessantes. Cada obra possui vários finais diferentes que revelam a percepção crítica e a postura de cada grupo diante de temas controversos.
Abstract: The project, involving groups of basic education, consisted of the development of three multimedia books, elaborated in a cooperative way. The cooperation of the students allowed the production of more creative texts and more interesting compositions. Each book has many different ends, according to the critical perception and the opinions of each group about the subjects.
Abstract: The project, involving groups of basic education, consisted of the development of three multimedia books, elaborated in a cooperative way. The cooperation of the students allowed the production of more creative texts and more interesting compositions. Each book has many different ends, according to the critical perception and the opinions of each group about the subjects.
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