A Modelagem Computacional, Utilizando o Laboratório deAprendizagem Experimental com Animação para o Pensamento Sistêmico (STELLA), em Tópicos de Educação Ambiental
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta os resultados obtidos através de uma investigação sobre a possibilidade de uso do Ambiente de Modelagem Computacional Quantitativo Baseado na Metáfora de Ícones STELLA na modelagem e simulação de modo exploratório e expressivo de tópicos relacionados à Educação Ambiental, trabalhados com alunos do ensino técnico profissionalizante através de uma introdução ao raciocínio em Nível de Sistema e ao Ambiente STELLA seguido da exploração de modelos básicos de crescimento populacional e atividades expressivas, na qual os estudantes desenvolveram um modelo sobre o sistema poluição. Os resultados sugerem que os alunos foram capazes de explorar modelos básicos de crescimento populacional e de desenvolver um modelo sobre o sistema poluição apresentando uma série de habilidades e dificuldades.
Abstract: This article presents the results obtained through an investigation about the possibility of use of the Quantitative Modelling System STELLA based in the Iconic Metaphor in the modelling and simulation in exploratory and expressive modes of Environmental Education related topics, worked with technical students courses through an introduction to the reasoning at the System Level and to the Quantitative Modelling System STELLA followed by the exploration of basic models of populacional growth and expressive activities, in which the students developed a model about the system pollution. The results suggest that the students were capable to explore basic models of populacional growth and of developing a model about the system pollution presenting a series of abilities and difficulties.
Abstract: This article presents the results obtained through an investigation about the possibility of use of the Quantitative Modelling System STELLA based in the Iconic Metaphor in the modelling and simulation in exploratory and expressive modes of Environmental Education related topics, worked with technical students courses through an introduction to the reasoning at the System Level and to the Quantitative Modelling System STELLA followed by the exploration of basic models of populacional growth and expressive activities, in which the students developed a model about the system pollution. The results suggest that the students were capable to explore basic models of populacional growth and of developing a model about the system pollution presenting a series of abilities and difficulties.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2003.693-702