Laboratório Virtual 3D para ensino de Redes de Computadores
Resumo: O presente trabalho aborda questões do uso da Realidade Virtual (RV) na educação como ferramenta auxiliar no processo de desenvolvimento cognitivo, através do desenvolvimento de um laboratório virtual 3D de redes de computadores. O laboratório virtual 3D de redes foi desenvolvido em linguagem VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), e busca a integração de várias mídias para a criação de metáforas que exibam o funcionamento de uma rede de computadores, e para proporcionar exercitação no ambiente virtual, visto que, um laboratório, deve justamente proporcionar a aprendizagem através da prática.
Abstract: The following work accomplishes the use of Virtual Reality in learning as an auxiliary tool for the cognitive development process, doing it through the building of a 3D computer networks virtual laboratory. This 3D network virtual lab is being built in VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), and with that it searches the multimedia integration to create metaphores which shows a computer network functioning. This virtual lab also give the user the possibility to exercising practices about computer networks.
Abstract: The following work accomplishes the use of Virtual Reality in learning as an auxiliary tool for the cognitive development process, doing it through the building of a 3D computer networks virtual laboratory. This 3D network virtual lab is being built in VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), and with that it searches the multimedia integration to create metaphores which shows a computer network functioning. This virtual lab also give the user the possibility to exercising practices about computer networks.
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