ANEST- Programa Educacional para Análise de Estruturas Reticuladas
Resumo: Neste artigo apresenta-se o programa ANEST, um programa educacional para análise estática de estruturas reticuladas, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Análise de Estruturas do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da UFSC, visando principalmente a utilização por alunos de graduação. ANEST resolve, pelo método dos deslocamentos, estruturas reticuladas planas e espaciais tais como como pórticos, treliças e vigas, submetidas a carregamentos externos. Trata-se de um programa estruturado em módulos, na linguagem FORTRAN90, para uso em micro-computadores. A entrada de dados é feita através de janelas padrão Windows e os resultados podem ser visualizados graficamente, o que auxilia muito ao aprendizado dos alunos. Apresentam-se no artigo alguns exemplos de utilização do ANEST e quais as extensões e aperfeiçoamentos que ainda devem ser realizados.
Abstract: In this work, an educational computer program named ANEST, developed at the Structural Analysis Laboratory in the Civil Engineering Department of Federal University of Santa Catarina, is presented. ANEST is based on the Direct Stiffness Method and allows for static analysis of framed structures, such as frames, trusses and beams, subjected to external loading. The program is composed of several subprograms, written in FORTRAN 90 language for use in microcomputers. All input data is entered via Windows and the results can be graphically visualized, which helps the students to understand the structure behavior. A few examples of structures analyzed by ANEST are also presented and future extensions to be implemented in the program are described at the end of the work.
Abstract: In this work, an educational computer program named ANEST, developed at the Structural Analysis Laboratory in the Civil Engineering Department of Federal University of Santa Catarina, is presented. ANEST is based on the Direct Stiffness Method and allows for static analysis of framed structures, such as frames, trusses and beams, subjected to external loading. The program is composed of several subprograms, written in FORTRAN 90 language for use in microcomputers. All input data is entered via Windows and the results can be graphically visualized, which helps the students to understand the structure behavior. A few examples of structures analyzed by ANEST are also presented and future extensions to be implemented in the program are described at the end of the work.
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