Agente mediador para seleção de estratégias pedagógicas em um ambiente multiagente de aprendizagem
Resumo: Este trabalho aborda a questão da modelagem dos agentes inteligentes no AMPLIA, um ambiente de aprendizagem que utiliza redes bayesianas para a representação do conhecimento. São discutidas as características dos alunos e dos agentes do ponto de vista da teoria construtivista levando em conta diferentes parâmetros que são considerados para uma negociação pedagógica. Atenção especial é dada a modelagem do Agente Mediador, ao processo de seleção das estratégias e táticas utilizadas e a discussão sobre os níveis de confiança declarado pelo aluno e inferido pelo sistema.
Abstract: This paper shows the modeling process of the intelligent agents in AMPLIA system, a learning environment that uses bayesian network to represent knowledge. We discuss characteristics and features that real students and the artificial agents exhibit according the constructivist theory, taking into account different parameters which are important for a pedagogical negotiation. Special attention is given to the modeling of the Mediator Agent and to the strategies and tactics selection process used by this agent. We also discuss some aspects relative to student’s declared confidence level and to the credibility level inferred by the system.
Abstract: This paper shows the modeling process of the intelligent agents in AMPLIA system, a learning environment that uses bayesian network to represent knowledge. We discuss characteristics and features that real students and the artificial agents exhibit according the constructivist theory, taking into account different parameters which are important for a pedagogical negotiation. Special attention is given to the modeling of the Mediator Agent and to the strategies and tactics selection process used by this agent. We also discuss some aspects relative to student’s declared confidence level and to the credibility level inferred by the system.
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