Evaluating an Educational System Based on Projective Augmented Reality

Manoela Silva, Rafael Roberto, Veronica Teichrieb


Augmented Reality has the potential to play an important role in education since it can help to motivate the students and foster the interaction between the content and the learners. In this work, we explore the potential of the ARBlocks, a dynamic blocks platform for educational activities using projective augmented reality and tangible user interfaces. A semi-experiment was carried out with two first grade groups in order to attest if the tool could help the development of their literacy skills. Three different metrics were used to evaluate it, being two quantitative and one qualitative. The evaluation indicated that the tool contributed to the student’s educational development and fostered their literacy progress. In addition, the teacher was very enthusiastic of its use.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2013.214