Dóris 3D: Agente Pedagógico baseado em Emoções
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta a proposta de modelagem e desenvolvimento do agente pedagógico Dóris em 3D, expressando emoções (alegria, tristeza, surpresa, entre outras) na interação dos estudantes com um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Os resultados iniciais são descritos, com o estudo sobre afetividade e emoções, e as primeiras expressões animadas da Dóris.
Abstract: This paper presents the proposal of modeling and development of pedagogical agent Dóris in 3D, expressing emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, among others) in the interaction of the students with a virtual environment of learning. The initial results are described with the study of affectivity and emotions, and the first animated expressions of Dóris.
Abstract: This paper presents the proposal of modeling and development of pedagogical agent Dóris in 3D, expressing emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, among others) in the interaction of the students with a virtual environment of learning. The initial results are described with the study of affectivity and emotions, and the first animated expressions of Dóris.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2009.%25p