A Utilização Do Ambiente Weblab No Ensino Médio Utilizando Objetos De Aprendizagem Reais Interativos –Estudo De Caso Plano Inclinado Automatizado
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um ambiente que apóia a prática laboratorial de física à distância. Este ambiente é formado de uma maquete experimental, um circuito eletrônico que propicia o controle a distância, e um programa que faz a interface do controle do circuito, possibilitando o uso dessa maquete remotamente. O experimento é dividido em duas partes: na primeira parte o aluno é submetido a uma contextualização, por meio de OA´s (Objetos de Aprendizagem) relacionados a parte teórica que faz parte do experimento, visualizando as expressões mais importantes e suas respectivas demonstrações. Na segunda parte, o aluno realizará o experimento em um ambiente real, no qual comandará à distância um sistema de plano inclinado, podendo visualizar os resultados do experimento através um sistema de vídeo fechado. O experimento foi controlado remotamente a distância através da internet e mostrou-se adequado, para ser utilizado dentro de uma proposta de laboratório de acesso remoto com agendamento prévio.
Abstract: This paper presents an enviroment to support the remote laboratorial of physics. This environmentis formed for an experimental model, a eletronic circuit, and a software tool that controls the circuit, in order to enable the uses this model remotely, allowing to collects the necessary datas for the computes of system spring-mass in study, and to generate a report with all important measurement from a laboratorial pratice. The experiment is divided in two parts: The first part the student is submitted to a description the experiments, visualizing their equations and applications, that is done using a LO (Learning Object). The second part, the students will participate in the enviroment with real experiment, control the distance. The system sloping plan it can be seen by a web cam. The experiment was controlled the distance remotely through the internet and it was shown appropriate, to be usedinside of a proposal of laboratory of remote access with previous scheduling
Abstract: This paper presents an enviroment to support the remote laboratorial of physics. This environmentis formed for an experimental model, a eletronic circuit, and a software tool that controls the circuit, in order to enable the uses this model remotely, allowing to collects the necessary datas for the computes of system spring-mass in study, and to generate a report with all important measurement from a laboratorial pratice. The experiment is divided in two parts: The first part the student is submitted to a description the experiments, visualizing their equations and applications, that is done using a LO (Learning Object). The second part, the students will participate in the enviroment with real experiment, control the distance. The system sloping plan it can be seen by a web cam. The experiment was controlled the distance remotely through the internet and it was shown appropriate, to be usedinside of a proposal of laboratory of remote access with previous scheduling
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2009.%25p