A Utilização de Dispositivos Móveis com Ambientes Tridimensionais como Ferramenta para Favorecer o Ensino de Hardware
Resumo: Nos cursos da área de computação, o ensino de hardware encontra, hoje, certo número de dificuldades, principalmente, ligadas aos altos custos para a montagem de laboratórios e devido à falta de motivação dos alunos que apresentam maior interesse nas disciplinas ligadas a software. Nesse artigo, apresenta-se uma alternativa para contornar esses inconvenientes através da utilização de ambientes tridimensionais combinados com técnicas provenientes do paradigma m-learning. O objetivo é desenvolver e aplicar tutoriais 3D, executáveis em dispositivos móveis, de forma a favorecer o ensino e a aprendizagem de hardware. A fim de demonstrar a viabilidade da proposição, foi criado um protótipo que simula uma impressora através de um modelo tridimensional que pode ser visualizado e manipulado em telefones celulares.
Abstract: Nowadays, in computer science universities, the learning of hardware lectures presents some difficulties, mainly, due to both the high costs for building hardware labs and the student’s lack of motivation, since they are more interested on lectures related with software design. In this paper, we present an alternative in order to bypass these inconveniences by combining three-dimensional environments and m-learning methods. We aim with this approach at providing students with 3D tutorials, which can run in mobile devices, as a way for increasing the cognitive development of hardware learning. In order to demonstrate the viability of our proposition, a prototype is also presented. It simulates a printer by using a three-dimensional model that can be visualized and controlled in a mobile phone.
Abstract: Nowadays, in computer science universities, the learning of hardware lectures presents some difficulties, mainly, due to both the high costs for building hardware labs and the student’s lack of motivation, since they are more interested on lectures related with software design. In this paper, we present an alternative in order to bypass these inconveniences by combining three-dimensional environments and m-learning methods. We aim with this approach at providing students with 3D tutorials, which can run in mobile devices, as a way for increasing the cognitive development of hardware learning. In order to demonstrate the viability of our proposition, a prototype is also presented. It simulates a printer by using a three-dimensional model that can be visualized and controlled in a mobile phone.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2009.%25p