Internet e Laboratório de Informática: Dois Importantes Recursos Metodológicos para Surpreender os Estudantes e Beneficiar a Interdisciplinaridade
Resumo: Na tentativa de aprimorar o uso da tecnologia na escola, a Coordenação do Ensino Médio do Estado de Goiás promoveu o I Seminário de Mídias na Escola. A oficina de internet, chamada Internet e suas possibilidades na escola, apresentou formas de se montar sítios aplicados à educação, jogos educativos on-line, dicionários on-line, blogs, etc. Ou seja, foram trabalhadas diferentes formas de se inserir o conteúdo de sala de aula numa aula prática no laboratório por meio dessas ferramentas. Portanto, esse projeto busca fazer com que os professores utilizem mais e melhor os laboratórios de informática e a internet de forma a enriquecer suas aulas e favorecer o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de maneira interdisciplinar.
Abstract: In order to improve the use of the technology in the school, the Coordination High School of the State of Goiás promoted the I Seminar of Medias in the School. The workshop of Internet, called Internet and its applications within the school, proposed ways of making websites applied to the education, educational on-line games, on-line dictionaries, blogs, etc. That is, they showed many ways to use the content of classroom in a practical lesson in the laboratory by using any of these tools. Therefore, this project aims at helping teachers make a good and useful use of the computer laboratories and the Internet as a tool that could enrich their lessons and to favor the teaching and learning process into an interdisciplinary study.
Abstract: In order to improve the use of the technology in the school, the Coordination High School of the State of Goiás promoted the I Seminar of Medias in the School. The workshop of Internet, called Internet and its applications within the school, proposed ways of making websites applied to the education, educational on-line games, on-line dictionaries, blogs, etc. That is, they showed many ways to use the content of classroom in a practical lesson in the laboratory by using any of these tools. Therefore, this project aims at helping teachers make a good and useful use of the computer laboratories and the Internet as a tool that could enrich their lessons and to favor the teaching and learning process into an interdisciplinary study.
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