Do Monitor de Laboratório ao Professor-orientador
Resumo: Diante do contexto do mundo atual, percebe-se a importância de conhecer os recursos tecnológicos e fazer uso destes para melhorar o desempenho das atividades humanas. A educação não pode ficar à margem desta realidade, ao contrário, deve buscar meios de aprimorar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem por meio das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC’s). Assim, o município de Araucária/PR, através do Projeto de Tecnologia Educacional, tem viabilizado o acesso a estes recursos com a implantação de laboratórios de informática, avaliando e reorganizando os métodos empregados, como por exemplo, a implementação da função de Professor-orientador em detrimento a função do monitor de laboratório.
Abstract: In the presence of the actual world context, the importance of knowing the technological resources and making use of them to improve the performance of human activities is realized. Education cannot be laid aside of this reality, on the contrary, it has to be allied and seek for resources to improve even more the process of teaching and learning through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's). Thus, the district of Araucária/PR, through the Educational Technology Project, has provided access to these resources establishing informatics laboratories, evaluating and reorganizing the used method, as an example, the accomplishment of the Leader-Teacher function related to the laboratory monitor one.
Abstract: In the presence of the actual world context, the importance of knowing the technological resources and making use of them to improve the performance of human activities is realized. Education cannot be laid aside of this reality, on the contrary, it has to be allied and seek for resources to improve even more the process of teaching and learning through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's). Thus, the district of Araucária/PR, through the Educational Technology Project, has provided access to these resources establishing informatics laboratories, evaluating and reorganizing the used method, as an example, the accomplishment of the Leader-Teacher function related to the laboratory monitor one.
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