Exploring content game elements to support gamification design in educational systems: narrative and storytelling
There are currently several studies on gamification applied to learning systems, aiming to encourage students to do certain tasks and improving their learning. According to several researches, most frameworks for gamification already developed are structural (e.g. scoring systems, ranking, etc.), with very few content-related frameworks. Importantly, to the best of our knowledge, there is no known narrative framework available. Therefore this paper analyses data obtained from a survey about the students' preferred game elements in an educational context, using Association Rule Mining and focusing on the rules found concerning Narrative and Storytelling elements. Our study showed that Narrative and Storytelling are tightly related. We thus provide insights of their use in groups of other game elements, enabling the creation of gamified instructional design strategies based on these aspects.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2019.773