Avaliação do Estado de Fluxo e do Aprendizado em Atividades Desplugadas no Ensino do Pensamento Computacional com Estudantes do Ensino Médio
Statistical evidence is needed to prove the effectiveness of teaching computational thinking without the use of computers (CS Unplugged). This study aims to evaluate two unplugged activities from the official website, regarding the effectiveness in promoting the flow state (Flow Theory) and learning of computational thinking. A quasi-experiment was conducted with 35 high school students. The results suggest that the evaluated activities have potential to stimulate the flow state in students, even if they have an age group above the official recommendation. On the other hand, no statistical correlation was observed between this state and the learning of computational thinking.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1746